Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Work in Progress

My sewing room has become a Work in Progress or "WIP". Last week when my media specialist and teacher friends had to report back to work, I plunged in on the next stage of work in my new sewing room/studio. There are some things that I'm good at doing, but PAINTING is not one of them. I consulted several online tutorials and videos before beginning. 
 New paint and supplies were purchased
 The walls were "prepped. The painting was almost completed when I decided to change the color on one wall. I needed to purchase another gallon of paint. The idea of doing one wall in buttery yellow tempted me to buy another color. After painting one wall, I liked it so much better than the beige I had previously applied to the walls, that I repainted the walls that had just been painted. A two day job became a three day job:) I absolutely love the new color. 
 The paint color is called Clarified Butter, but it reminds me of wild Buttercup flowers or soft creamy butter.
 Dear Son  and his good friend moved my stuff down two flights of stairs (from the second story to our basement) on Friday.
 I spent the past couple of days unpacking,arranging and organizing things.
It's wonderful to have so much space. 
 My friend Bev puts labels on most everything. This seemed like a good time to do that with my plastic drawers and plastic containers. I consulted Bev and purchased the Label Maker that she used. I'm already loving this new space. There's lots left to do. Blinds to hang, a new design wall to construct,  decisions on furniture and shelving, lighting challenges but.....
 I just had to stop and play with some fabric. I took the old flannel design wall and placed it on a wall. It's probably not even where my design wall will end up.
This is my Rottweiler project. I've made some changes so I'm back to deciding on block placement. I'm hoping to actually do a little sewing tomorrow:)

Thanks so much for the prayers and concern about DH! He is doing better. He's receiving wonderful medical care. His medications have been changed and additional testing will occur in the next couple of weeks. Again, thank you!


  1. You are amazing. I dread painting so much! I love your color choice. I have that yellow in my house and it feels so cozy to me.

  2. Wonderful news about your DH - I will continue to keep him in my thoughts.

    Your room is looking wonderful. I'm truly excited for you and look forward to seeing more pictures.

  3. I love painting! And I need to repaint just about every room but it is way to hot in my house to do that until fall. You are lucky your project is in the basement. Must be so wonderful to have your own special sewing space.

  4. You have made a lot of progress.

  5. Oh that room is really shaping up!!! I am SO excited for you!!! I am thrilled to hear that your hubby is doing better! We will keep him on our prayer list here!

  6. Your room is looking so neat! Love all the space!

  7. How awesome for you to move into a new space! Hope everything falls into place... although I'm not sure about being surrounded by "clarified butter". lol


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