Gretchen tagged me with this Honest Scrap post. The idea is to reveal 10 honest things about yourself that you haven't blogged about and list 5 addictions. Then tag 5 friends. I was tagged a couple of months ago with something similar so it's been a brain strain trying to come up with something new that you may not know about me that I'm willing to share :)
5 Addictions I'm willing to admit. :)
1. Coffee
2. E-mail/internet/blogging
3. Fabric acquisition
4. Ice cream
5. Reading
10 Things You May Not Know About Me
1. I have great handwriting. My Dad made me practice for 6 weeks after I earned a poor grade in handwriting.
2. I attended 12 years of school in the same school building. It was a Catholic school, grades 1 through12. There were 68 people in my high school graduating class.
3. I love to bake especially cookies and loaf breads.
4. I love to take walks through my neighborhood and parks. Being outdoors and walking helps center me.
5. I don't watch mainstream TV. The boys in my life control the remote. I abdicated with a book and sewing machine. Lots of Food Network shows at my house.
6. At 30, I figured I was never going to get married. Gave up to enjoy the single life. Met my husband two weeks later. Have been happily married for 21 years.
7. I played the violin for 5 years in grade school.
8. I love stationary, note cards and almost anything at an office supply store.
9. I collected Cabbage Patch Dolls for me and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle things for my son when he was little. We both still have a soft spot for TMNT.
10. I had pen pals when I was growing up. I remember one in Missouri, one in Canada and even one in Russia. I did meet one of them. She came on a Greyhound bus from Illinois while we were in college.