It has been great fun reading about your favorite crafts, celebrations of St. Patrick's Day and National Quilting Day events. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm still traveling around Blogland visiting your blogs and getting to know you better. Have to make this post quick. Dear Hubby and I are headed to Lake Hartwell to visit with friends who live next to the Lake. Even Rusty is able to travel with us. Our friends are animal lovers!
The winner of my St. Patrick's Day giveaway is Kelli who blogs at Seriously..., it needs stitches. Congrats to Kelli! Please send me your address. I'll get your package in the mail when we return from our lake visit.
Have a fabulous weekend!
It's no surprise that I love giveaways. I love hosting and entering giveaways. The Quilting Gallery has a huge blog hop celebrating St. Patrick's Day. It begins today March 16th and ends March 23rd. I've been thinking of having another giveaway. It's also fun to participate in a large Blog Hop. Check on Saturday to see the list of blogs participating in the hop. Last December there were over 200 blogs participating.

For my giveaway, I've collected several items. At the Sewing and Craft Expo last weekend, I visited the Primitive Gatherings' booth. I purchased two copies of this pattern, 45 & Life To Go. Lisa Bongean, the designer, graciously autographed the pattern for the winner of my giveaway. I'm dreaming of colorways for my quilt. I think I'll do a scrappy version. I've also found an extra Dresden Plate ruler in my sewing room. Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill fame has had some interesting blog posts of making Dresden Plate blocks using this ruler. And finally, I love little notebooks. Mary Englebreit is a favorite of mine. March is National Craft Month and March 17th is National Quilting Day as well as St. Patrick's Day. To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on your favorite craft or how you are celebrating National Quilting Day or St. Patrick's Day. Enjoy the blog hop and Good luck!
Thanks to all the folks who left comments for the Leap Year Giveaway! It was great fun reading emails all day long. Lots of different fabric lines were mentioned. There were a couple that I don't know about and will have to locate online to view. Thanks to Elizabeth at Such a Sew and Sew for organizing the giveaway! I think this is post number 400 for me! It's an opportunity to plan another giveaway. Please check back soon.....
The winner of the Strawberry Pie pattern is Diane, who blogs as the Joyful Reader. Congratulations, Diane!.